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Overcoming Boredom at Work: Exercise for Productivity & Creative Minds

For creative individuals and those with neurodivergent traits (such as impulsivity or a tendency to easily get bored, like ADHD), the challenge of focusing on monotonous, emotionally unengaging tasks can be particularly daunting. The propensity to quickly become bored often leads to a loss of attention and motivation, and consequently, productivity. As a Potential Coach, I recognize the importance of sometimes just "pushing through". However, I have created a specific exercise that helps overcome boredom and enhance concentration without sacrificing creativity. This exercise is called "Your Mind - Can Not - Escape - This Quad"

Woman sitting at her desk looking bored.

Boredom at Work and Loss of Attention

Our mind can be compared to a curious, wild puppy that needs to be trained for self-discipline and focus. As soon as the "puppy" gets bored, the focus also diminishes. For some people, it makes no sense to force themselves through sheer willpower, or it can even be counterproductive. It is better to follow the curiosity and switch tasks to re-stimulate interest, desire, and attention. However, if we constantly switch tasks whenever we get bored, we end up completing nothing.

Making Progress on Practical Projects

The issue of the open system is addressed by limiting our daily tasks to the three most important ones on our to-do list. This allows us to switch flexibly between them, for example, from task 1 to 3 or from 3 to 2, depending on our interest. This enables us to switch between these tasks at will, without losing the thread. This way, one remains productive and creative and always makes progress.

Fighting Fatigue and Lack of Creativity Without Distractions

Our mind's search for dopamine often leads to distractions, especially when we feel tired or uncreative. Our mind is addicted to dopamine and seeks an "energy kick" when energy is low, whether through sweets, social media, quick online purchases, or other brief distractions. The radical solution? Dopamine fasting! This means consciously entering states of extreme boredom, where the only options are 1) short power naps, 2) yoga, or 3) meditation. This forces our inner "puppy" to return to work, as it at least provides a form of engagement and is still more entertaining than doing absolutely nothing mentally.

Resources for Your Journey

On our website, in the "Exercises" section, under Pillar III: Life Potential Coaching, exercise Nr. 20, you will find a sheet that helps you prioritize your to-do list and monitor your progress on each task. Monitoring progress and noting estimated times for each task are essential for realistic planning. This practice allows us to measure efficiency in task completion and make necessary adjustments. Additionally, the time indication helps avoid overload and promotes better time management by providing a clear picture of what is achievable in a given timeframe. Moreover, this approach helps stay motivated, as visualizing progress and adjusting time planning to real-life circumstances enhance the feeling of goal achievement and productivity. These tools are designed to help you effectively deal with boredom, loss of motivation, and creativity blocks and achieve your goals.

Exercise: "Your Mind - Cannot - Escape - This Quad"

1. Print the Exercise Page or Draw It on an A4 Sheet: Before you start, make sure you have a physical copy of the exercise. You can print the exercise page or, if you prefer, draw the layout on an A4 sheet. This will be your reference point for the day.

2. Identify the Three Main Tasks: Start each day by choosing the three most important tasks you want to complete. These should be your absolute priorities for the day.

3. Set Estimated Times: Assign an estimated time to complete each of the three tasks. Be realistic in your estimates to avoid frustrations and overloads.

4. Switch Tasks: If you notice your concentration or interest in a task waning, allow yourself to switch to another of the three priority tasks. This keeps attention high and combats boredom.

5. Practice Dopamine Fasting: When you feel the need to seek distractions (social media, snacks, etc.), opt instead for a short nap, a yoga session, or a meditation period. This helps reset your concentration.

6. Monitor Your Progress: At the end of the day and whenever you switch tasks, review the work you've done on each of the three tasks. Evaluate whether the estimated time was accurate and adjust your future planning accordingly. Rewrite the unfinished work for the next day's list.

Repeat this exercise daily to develop a deeper awareness of your work habits and improve the management of concentration, boredom at work, and productivity.


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