After the first phase of the Bodymind System, which involves recognizing the parts within the inner system, the inner parts in a partnership come into play. Inner parts are various aspects of our personality that represent different needs, desires, and behaviors. They arise from our life experiences and influence our thinking, feeling, and actions in various situations. In every partnership, these different inner parts play an essential role, and everything becomes more complex through the interactions with the inner parts of the other person in the relationship. These parts influence how we interact with each other, handle conflicts, and achieve common goals. The alliances and contrasts between these parts are crucial for understanding behavior and dynamics in relationships.
Let's give an overview of the most common inner parts:
The inner animal encompasses the drive for physical intimacy and sexual fulfillment. It includes the natural desire to procreate and ensure the survival of the species, as well as the fight for the alpha position, meaning competition and the pursuit of dominance and influence within the relationship. This instinctive behavior can generate both attraction and conflict, especially when it meets a loving partner who prioritizes harmony and long-term stability.
The inner child is the part of us that seeks protection and security within the relationship. It yearns for warmth and the feeling of being at home in the partner's arms. Emotional closeness and trust, stemming from a childlike bond, are essential for the inner child. This role can form a strong alliance with the loving partner, as both seek security and long-term stability.
The inner buddy or the inner comrade stands for shared activities and the sharing of hobbies and interests. It is about the feeling of being part of a team and working together on projects, as well as sharing routines and rituals that strengthen the relationship and create a stable foundation. This role integrates well with the inner friend, who seeks deeper philosophical and spiritual connections, thereby strengthening the everyday, friendly base of the relationship.
The inner friend represents shared values and the sharing of philosophical and spiritual beliefs. Deep conversations and a common understanding of the world are central. This presence is not characterized by the amount of time spent together but by the quality of the emotional connection, which deepens the bond. This connection can contrast with the instinctive behavior of the inner animal, which is often less reflective and more impulse-driven.
The inner lover brings eroticism and playful exploration of sexuality into the relationship. The desire for adventurous romance and exciting experiences complements the sexual desire. Powerplay, or experimenting with power and dominance within the relationship, can also play a role and enliven the dynamic. This role can form an alliance with the inner animal, as both emphasize sexuality and physical closeness.
The loving partner stands for planning and pursuing common life goals. This role includes maternal or paternal support, offering care and assistance similar to parental love. Long-term planning and unconditional presence are crucial to ensure reliability and long-term commitment in the relationship. This role can strongly contrast with the inner animal, which seeks dominance and self-assertion, while the loving partner prioritizes harmony and common goals.
The alliances and contrasts between the various inner parts of a person in relationships are fundamental to understanding how people behave and interact in partnerships.
The inner child and the loving partner can form a strong alliance because both seek security and long-term stability in a relationship. The inner child yearns for warmth and protection, which the loving partner can offer through care and reliability.
The inner buddy and the inner friend complement each other well because both focus on shared activities and values. The buddy brings the light-hearted, friendly side to the relationship, while the friend fosters deeper philosophical and spiritual connections.
The inner lover and the inner animal are often connected because both emphasize sexuality and physical closeness. The lover adds a romantic and adventurous dimension that complements the instinctive and drive-driven behavior of the inner animal.
Contrasts arise when different inner parts have different needs and priorities. One example of such a contrast is the conflict between the inner animal and the inner child. The inner animal seeks dominance and self-assertion, while the inner child seeks emotional security and protection. This conflict can manifest in everyday life when, for example, one person insists on their independence and assertiveness while the other seeks closeness and warmth. Such an imbalance can lead to tensions if the needs of both parts are not considered and harmonized.
Another contrast can arise when the inner buddy becomes too dominant and does not leave enough room for the adventure and variety that the inner lover seeks. This manifests in everyday life when a couple becomes too entrenched in routine activities and lacks excitement and romance. An example would be a couple who always watch TV together instead of occasionally trying something new and stimulating, thus maintaining erotic tension and a sense of adventure.
Too much of a loving partner can push the inner child into a mother-child relationship. This dynamic is evident when one partner overly assumes the role of caregiver and protector while the other assumes a childlike role. This can lead to an imbalance in the relationship and generate frustration and dissatisfaction.
The inner friend and the inner buddy can appear like brother and sister, which contrasts with the needs of the inner lover for eroticism and passionate romance. When the relationship is primarily based on a friendly and sibling-like connection, the sexual attraction can diminish. This can happen in everyday life when the couple spends a lot of time in deep conversations and shared activities but neglects the physical and erotic connection. Such an imbalance can lead to internal conflicts and reduce the sense of intimacy and passion.
Understanding and managing these internal dynamics can be crucial to maintaining a balanced and satisfying relationship. It is advisable to consider these aspects reflectively and discuss them openly within the partnership to promote mutual understanding and healthy coexistence.